Thursday, 20 March 2014

What time is it? CAM Time!

Hey all!

It's time for CAM! For those of you new to the 4-H Ontario world, CAM stands for  the Conference and Annual Meeting. It is an opportunity for volunteers from around the province to spend a weekend learning valuable skills, networking and of course, the requirement for every 4-H event, have a blast doing it.  I have heard many great thing about CAM, but between you and me...I have no idea what to expect. This is the first year that I have been able to go to the event, seeing as I just become a registered volunteer myself (no applause necessary :P ) I will make sure to post an update, and pictures when I get back!

In the spirit of 4-H,

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Welcome to my blog!

Wow,  I can't believe that I'm actually doing this! This is something that I have wanted to do for
 a long time, start a blog that allowed 4-H members from across the province to interact on a member to member basis! I am so glad that you all decided to stop by and take a look! Hopefully I will be posting at least once a month, with input from you guys! I will also do my best to keep you up to date on the latest and greatest that 4-H has to offer! With that being said please be patient with me!
I am living the 4-H motto with this whole blog thing.....

So it may take me a few week to get the hang of it! But it's going to be awesome (I hope)!